Пенсійний фонд

by Пенсійний фонд Укр&#1072...



About this appAccess to the Pension Funds electronic services in a convenient format.The Pension Fund mobile application provides:• Access to the Pension Funds electronic services from mobile devices.• Access of all employees (insured persons) to the information contained in the electronic social insurance account card regarding the questionnaire data, wages and information regarding the length of insurance coverage.• Protecting the rights of insured persons by controlling the payment of premiums by policyholders.• Access of pensioners to e-pension data.• Online access to the Electronic Disability Sheet Register.• Improving the quality of service delivery.The Pension Fund mobile application makes communication with the Pension Fund as convenient and efficient as possibleKey features:• For Insured Persons - view information from the Insured Persons Register (questionnaire provided by the employer (insurer) with information on wages paid, premiums paid in favor of the person, insurance experience acquired).• For retirees - view information from the E-Pension business.• For all categories: reviewing the status of processing appeals to the Pension Fund of Ukraine, including attached documents; verification of documents, certificates, generated in a personal electronic office; receiving and reviewing messages from the Pension Fund;The following opportunities will be realized in the near future:• Applying for one-touch pensions (ePension);• Change of information parameters;• Admission recording;• Review of insured persons disability e-mails;• Submitting requests for disability insurer emails;• Agreement on registration of disability e-mails on the application of insurers;Requires user availability to use:- or Qualified Electronic Signature Key (formerly referred to as EDS): full range of features available;- or pre-registration on the PFU Web Portal via a web browser: in this case the user data is impersonated.A trial version of the mobile app is currently available.If you notice an error, have comments, suggestions or ideas, please email us at [email protected]